The extremely mild climate and the landscape rich in gentle hills make Lake Garda a perfect place to grow vines of many types. All those present, from north to south, are excellent from a qualitative point of view and unique for their characteristics of taste, aroma and organoleptic components.
Among the wines of the Brescia side of the lake we can certainly remember the Lugana DOC, a very elegant white, of great quality, famous throughout Italy and also abroad, in all its shades Top, Reserve, Sparkling and Late Harvest. Following with DOC Valtenesi, with red, Chiaretto and Garda Classico white, red, Chiaretto and Groppello.
For those who like to explore and learn more about the wines of Garda, many food and wine festivals are organized throughout the year and there are guided tours to the most famous and most renowned wineries in the area.